Package hypertext


The package hypertext provides basic concepts for the specification of the hypertext of the application, interms of links and units presenting information from the content level.

Class Summary
ATTRIBUTESELECTORCONDITION Defines selection criteria to determine entity instances for different purposes. The selection is attribute-based.
CONTENTUNIT A contentunit is an atomic element of the content of a page.

  1. notAutomaticLinksToOperationUnits:>forAll(l | implies l.type <> hypertext::linkType::automatic)
  2. linkTargetNotPageOrArea:>forAll(l | not AND not
CONTEXTUNIT Used to indicate that a Page, Area or SiteView is context-aware.

  1. linkTargetNotPageOrAreaOrContextUnit:>forAll(l | not and not and not
  2. onlyTransportLinks:>forAll(l | l.type == hypertext::linkType::transport)
DATAUNIT A dataunit is used to display attributes of entities.

  1. displayallOrDisplayattribute: (displayattribute->size()>0 and displayall.oclIsUndefined()) or (displayattribute->size()=0 and not displayall.oclIsUndefined())
DISPLAYUNIT Displayunit is a base entity for all units that display attributes of an entity.

  1. displayattributesContainedInReferencedEntity: entity <> null and entity.attribute->includesAll(displayattribute)
ENTRYUNIT Entryunits support form-based data entry.
FIELD A field is an input control, whereby the user can submit data.
GENERICCONTENTUNIT A generic content unit whose specification is just a type.
HIERARCHICALINDEXLEVEL Presents a level in the hierarchy of a hierarchicalindexunit.

  1. EachHierarchicalIndexLevelEntityHasRelationshipToEntity: hierarchicalindexlevel->forAll(lev |>includes(self.entity))
  2. DisplayedAttributesMustBeOfEntityOfUnit: entity <> null and entity.attribute->includesAll(displayattribute)
  3. SortedAttributesMustBeAmongDislpayedAttributes: displayattribute->includesAll(sortattribute.attribute)
HIERARCHICALINDEXUNIT Set of sortattributes, that define the sort order of the instances of the entities.

  1. EachHierarchicalIndexLevelEntityHasRelationshipToHierarchicalIndexUnitEntity: hierarchicalindexlevel->forAll(lev | lev.entity <> null and>includes(self.entity))
INDEXUNIT Indexunits present multible instances of an entity as a list and the user can select an object from this list.
LINK Links are used to navigate between elements.

  1. MustNotLinkGetUnitAndGetClientParUnit: <> null and not and not
LINKABLEELEMENT A linkableelement is an element that can have links to other elements. Links are used to navigate between entities.
LINKPARAMETER A parameter that is transportet throug a link.

  1. EitherSourceOrSourceValueOrSourceRef: not source.oclIsUndefined() xor not sourceValue.oclIsUndefined() xor not sourceRef.oclIsUndefined()
  2. EitherTargetOrTargetRef: not target.oclIsUndefined() xor not targetRef.oclIsUndefined()
  3. OCL: Wenn Passing=true muss target nicht vorhanden sein.
LINKPARAMETERSOURCE Base class for all ModelElements that can serve as a source of a LinkParameter.
LINKPARAMETERTARGET Base class for all ModelElements that can serve as a target of a LinkParameter.
MULTICHOICEINDEXUNIT Mulitchoiceindexunits present multible instances of an entity as a list and the user can select a set of objects from this list.
MULTIDATAUNIT A multidataunit is a unit that displays several instances of the same entity on the same page.
RELATIONSHIPSELECTORCONDITION Defines selection criteria to determine instances for different purposes. The selection is relationship-based.
SCROLLERUNIT With a scrollerunit you can scroll through objects in a set.

  1. positiveBlockFactor: self.blockFactor > 0
  2. positiveBlockWindow: self.blockFactor > 0
SELECTIONFIELD A selection field is an input control whereby the user can submit data by selecting a value form multiple options.
SELECTOR Selects instances due to conditions.
SELECTORCONDITION Defines selection criteria to determine instances for different purposes. The selection can be either relationship-based or attribute-based.
SLOT A slot is a placeholder for data to be preloaded in a field or in a selection field.
SORTABLEUNIT Sortableunit is a base entity for all units that define the order of shown attributes by sortattributes.

  1. SortattributesContainedInReferencedEntity: displayattribute->includesAll(sortattribute.attribute)
SORTATTRIBUTE Defines sort criteria.
VALIDATIONRULE Rules that determine, whether given input is correct.

Enumeration Summary
adaptivityPolicy The adaptivity policy used for a context-aware page.
selectionFieldType Type of a selction field.
defaultPolicy_ENUM Defines behaviour if no input parameters are available for all implied conditions of a unit.
booleanOperator_ENUM Enumerates boolean operators.
attributeSelectorConditionPredicate Enumerates logical operators that can be used on attributes in a selector condition.
relationshipSelectorConditionPredicate Enumerates logical operators that can be used a relationship in a selector condition.
linkType Enumerates types of links.
validationRulePredicate Enumerates logical operators that can be used in a validation rule.

Copyright Andrea Schauerhuber, Cornelia Tomasek (Vienna University of Technology, 2007)
Note: This documentation is partly based upon WebRatio's WebML User Guide (for further information on WebRatio see, 'Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications' [S.Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera, 2003] (for further information see and 'Model-driven Development of Context-Aware Web Applications' [S. Ceri, F. Daniel, M. Matera, F. M. Facca. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2007, 7(1)]