Class SimpleAdvice



Depending on what the modeler wishes to do, there are three different ways of specifying a SimpleAdvice, namely to change modeling elements, their attributes, or their references.


  1. aspectElementORaspectElementReferenceORexpression: self.aspectElement -> notEmpty() xor self.aspectElementReference -> notEmpty() xor not (self.expression.oclIsUndefined() or self.expression='')

Attribute Summary
This attribute represents the value used to set a modeling element’s attribute.

Reference Summary
ModelElement aspectElement
This containment reference specifies the set of WebML modeling elements that make up the Advice.
ModelElement aspectElementReference
The aspectElementReference reference captures the references to a set of existing WebML modeling elements, which is used to (re)set the references selected by a Pointcut.

Attributes inherited from Advice

Copyright Andrea Schauerhuber, Cornelia Tomasek (Vienna University of Technology, 2007)
Note: This documentation is partly based upon WebRatio's WebML User Guide (for further information on WebRatio see, 'Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications' [S.Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera, 2003] (for further information see and 'Model-driven Development of Context-Aware Web Applications' [S. Ceri, F. Daniel, M. Matera, F. M. Facca. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2007, 7(1)]