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Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien der Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien lud gemeinsam mit der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft zu folgendem Vortrag ein:

On Modular Reasoning, Information Hiding and Crosscutting Modularity

Prof. Mira Mezini
Technische Universität Darmstadt





Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2006
17:00 - 18:00 +

Technische Universität Wien
Zemanek Hörsaal
1040 Wien, Favoritenstraße 9-11

Foto von Mira Mezini


Rund 40 Gäste - vorwiegend aus dem wissenschaftlichen Informatikbereich - kamen zum überaus interessanten Vortrag von Prof. Mezini. Danach gab es bei weihnachtlichem Punsch noch die Gelegenheit zum informellen Austausch.

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(fotografiert von Birgit Korherr)

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This talk reflects on the effect of crosscutting modularity provided by aspect-oriented programming on modular reasoning and information hiding. First, the limitations of black-box abstraction and hierarchical decomposition will be considered as well as how these limitations are addressed by crosscutting modularity. A critical analysis will cover deficiencies of current means of aspect-oriented languages to express crosscutting structure with respect to information hiding. Ongoing research that aims to address these problems will be presented and some open research questions will be outlined.


Mira Mezini is full Professor of Computer Science at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. Her research interests are in the broad area of software technology with special focus on programming languages and tools. She has been working on advancing the state of the art of object-oriented languages for more than 13 years and has been actively involved in shaping the aspect-oriented software development paradigm. Mira Mezini is a member of the steering committee of the ECOOP and ASOD conferences and was the General Chair of AOSD 2005. She has served on the program committees of several ECOOP, OOPSLA, AOSD, and FSE conferences among others.
More information you find at Mira Mezzini's website.

Kontaktperson an der TU Wien

Dr. Ulrike Pastner, pastner@wit.tuwien.ac.at, Tel. 58801-18815


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Vortrag in englischer Sprache. Nach dem Vortrag gab es wie immer bei einem Buffet die Gelegenheit zum informellen Meinungsaustausch.

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